Оценки виски на whiskybase.com






0 - 60 points = not drinkable whisky
61-70 points = bad whisky
71-75 points = not so bad but I`ll dont drink it again
76-80 points = good drinkable whisky, i wouldnt buy it
81-85 points = good whisky
86-90 points = very good whisky, I would buy it if the price is right
91-95 points = Excellent whisky
96-100 point = i didnt find it but it must be out there


0+ + - The sky is the limit!
The most amazing malts money can buy; absolutely legendary `Aqua Vitae`.

85-89 - Highly recommendable.
This is the good stuff we crave, (almost) universally loved and appreciated.

80-84 - Recommendable - plain & simple.
You really can`t go wrong with these whiskies. Satisfaction guaranteed.

75-79 - Better than average, but not something worth hunting down.
There are better single malts available.

70-74 - Below average, but not something that should be actively avoided either. Could do better, though.

Below 70 points - Hold it!
A score in the 60`s or even lower is reason for extreme caution. it means: downright avoidable.


60-69 p. = Rubbish. Only drinkable with coke and a lot of ice.
70-74 p. = Boring. Lacks complexity or balance. Don`t buy.
75-79 p. = Average. Life is to short. Don`t buy.
80-85 p. = Good. The price is crucial when considering a buy.
85-89 p. = Very good. Recommend a buy.
90-94 p. = Superb. A great buy.
95-99 p. = Excellent. A must have.
100 p. = The best whisky ever tasted. There can be only one happy   


Чтобы найти соответствие 2 разных шкал, нужно сравнить оценки на одни и те же позиции (виски). Но проблема в том, что даже на самом whiskybase.com оценки сильно разняться. Поэтому просто по текстовым характеристикам:

75-79 - средненький
80-85 - хороший, но

и выходит 75-79 = 80-82 - неплохой и смертельно скучный, а 80-85 - хороший, но ... = 83-85

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