ABCDF шкала оценки вин

ABCDF шкала - эквивалент 100 бальной шкалы тов Паркера

"90-100 is equivalent to an A and is given only for an outstanding or special effort. Wines in this category are the very best produced of their type. There is a big difference between a 90 and 99, but both are top marks. As you will note through the text, there are few wines that actually make it into this top category because there are not many great wines.
80-89 is equivalent to a B in school and such a wine, particularly in the 85-89 range, is very, very good; many of the wines that fall into this range often are great values as well. I have many of these wines in my personal collection.
70-79 represents a C, or average mark, but obviously 79 is a much more desirable score than 70. Wines that receive scores between 75 and 79 are generally pleasant, straightforward wines that lack complexity, character, or depth. If inexpensive, they may be ideal for uncritical quaffing.

Below 70 is a D or F, depending on where you went to school. For wine, it is a sign of an imbalanced, flawed, or terribly dull or diluted product that will be of little interest to the discriminating consumer." 

поскольку встречаются оценки: просто B, B+ и B- и ввиду отсутствия точных договоренностей, можно считать, что диапазон делится на равные части (не знаешь как делить - дели поровну)

B+ = 87-89

B = 84-87

B- = 80-83


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